Halfway sober living house house in cape town for secondary care
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Below are testimonials and reviews from succesful clients who visited our Sober living halfway house

If you would like to know more about our Sober living halfway house or would like to visit us please feel free to contact us

A halfway house or a sober living house is a secondary care facility that focuses on social reintegration after completing a primary rehabilitation program.

Jane Rane, Cape Town, 2022

I had lived a life of being in constant fear. Fear of judgement, fear of the future, fear of others …Whilst my active addiction lasted six years, my behaviours and thinking had always been that of an addictsince I was a child. Obsession and fantasy are part of my make-up.

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L, Cape Town, October 2022

After spending 6 months in a primary treatment facility in South Africa, I had done someserious work on myself. Even though I had a long stint in primary treatment, to give myselfthe best shot at being able to live an independent life without using I knew I needed to be

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L, Cape Town – August 2022 – Alcohol abuse

I recently completed a six-month secondary program at Liberty Home for alcohol addiction. Liberty Home offered me a complete recovery program which included group therapy, one-on one counselling, relapse prevention, meetings and powerlessness and damages sessions. The Liberty sober living program allowed me to continue working remotely with my employer,

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Anonymous- Cape Town, August 2022 – Alcohol abuse

After leaving my first and only primary treatment facility, I really struggled adapting to my new life without alcohol. Four weeks of treatment was not going to be enough for me to rebuild my life and integrate back into society. I realised that my alcohol abuse was really only a

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 N, Cape Town, July 2022 – drug addiction abuse

Liberty House – N Testimony My addictive behaviour and inevitable rock bottom caused massive upheaval, not only in my life but also for family and friends The difficult decision to admit myself to treatment was only the first step towards recovery. Thereafter my commitment and decision to stay in treatment,

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B,Cape Town – July 2022 – drug addiction abuse

Coming into my second attempt at recovery and treatment centres. I realised that mybehaviour was the biggest problem in my life. Yes, drugs can have a negative impact on mylife. But my behaviour is the source of my substance abuse.I needed to first identify my behaviour and then change my

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D, Belgium – June 2018 – Alcohol Addiction

To everyone it may help/concern:I suffered from severe alcohol abuse for several years. I refused to acknowledge I had a problem. My environment tried countless number of times to help. Without success. Lots of people have a family member, friend or acquaintance that could really use help. Unfortunately, not many

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