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P, Cape Town, July 2022 – Crack and Alcohol Addicition abuse

After being in Primary Care in South Africa for six weeks, it didn’t feel right for me to go back to my old life in the Netherlands. “Sure, you will be prepared for real life and be given the tools to live well in recovery.” That only went wrong for me after the first rehab. After my second, I chose to go to Liberty indefinitely. I was there for a total of 7 weeks. Morgane, the Liberty Team, and all the recovery addicts there, gave my life back. My priorities changed there; I started appreciating life again and got the right help. My empathy slowly returned, and I was never alone in the challenging moments. I am eternally grateful to Liberty Home, which is in my heart. Of course, it is sometimes hard, but I am thankful I am sober every morning.

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