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Sober Living: My Journey to Recovery

Seven years ago today, I had a blocked and bloody nose from the cocaine I had just sniffed, and my liver
was in so much agony from the clean-spirited alcohol I was chugging down.
This was the last time I had “called in sick” to work, the last time I cheated, lied, and stole from my friends
and family. I remember feeling my heart in my throat, throbbing from the drugs and saying to myself, “I
don’t care”.

It was then that I knew I needed help, and I knew I couldn’t do it alone. So I reached out and asked for
help, and my life soon fell into place. Today, I am grateful to be a part of Liberty Home, a sober living
home that helps people like me turn their lives around and unlock their potential.

My Darkest Days

The days leading up to my sobriety were some of the darkest in my life. I was heavily addicted to cocaine
and alcohol, and I felt myself spiralling out of control. I vividly remember how my addiction had taken over
my life. I was constantly lying, cheating, and stealing from the people closest to my heart.

Then, on the third day of my last bender, I hit rock bottom. I could hear birds chirping outside while I sat
there, isolated from the outside world. As I looked around, I saw someone else in the room with me, who
was on the brink of falling asleep.

I was so petrified of being completely alone that I forcefully persuaded him to do more cocaine with me.
At that moment, I didn’t want to face my reality. I didn’t want to go back to being sober. I wanted to stay in
that deceptive moment of euphoria and avoid being sober for a little while longer.

Deep down, I knew that being sober meant facing my reality. It meant facing all of my failed romantic
relationships, my broken relationship with my family, the failing career I had worked so hard for, and worst
of all, it meant looking at my worthless self in the mirror.

The Road to Recovery

On that fateful day seven years ago, I knew I needed help. But more importantly, I know I couldn’t do it by

That’s when I reached out and asked for help; it was one of the most defining decisions of my life. Since
then, my journey to recovery hasn’t been easy, but with the help of support groups and sober living
homes, I was able to overcome my addiction.

Sobriety has given me everything drugs and alcohol promised me. I have a fulfilling career, a loving
family, and a beautiful child. Seven years ago, if you had told me that I would be where I am today, I would have simply just picked up another drink and laughed hysterically. But today, I am living proof that
recovery is possible.

Assisting Others Through Sober Living

Today, I am grateful to be a part of Liberty Home. We are a sober living house that helps people like me
in their recovery journey.

Asking for help was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but it was also the most rewarding. By
simply saying, “I need help. I cannot do this on my own”, my life fell into place, and now I have found my

Working in a secondary care centre has given me the opportunity to help other people to unlock their
potential and recover from addiction. I have experienced first-hand the transformative power of recovery
and the impact it can have on a person’s life.

Seven years ago, I hit rock bottom. But today, I am free from the shackles of addiction. Sobriety has given
me a life beyond my wildest dreams. I am grateful for every day that I wake up sober.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, know that recovery is possible. Reach out for
help and consider the resources available, such as halfway houses also known as sober living homes.
Together, we can overcome addiction and live a life full of hope and joy.

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